Avond Cock-up

An ode to failed policy

First Closures

All recreational and cultural events are banned, both private and public. Clubs, bars and restaurants must close.

Non-essential shops are closed during the weekend. Classes in school are cancelled.

These measures remain in effect until at least April 3rd.

Sophie Wilmès
Sophie Wilmès
Prime Minister (Interim)

Emergency Government Formation

Due to the inability to form a government coalition after the elections of May 2019, Belgium still lacks a functioning executive government at the start of the corona crisis. The executive branch only works on 'ongoing affairs'.

To be able to manage the crisis, an interim government is formed for a period of 3 months, with a possible extension to 6 months, headed by Sophie Wilmès. She received only 16,000 preferential votes.

Sophie Wilmès
Sophie Wilmès
Prime Minister (Interim)

2 Weeks to Flatten the Curve

Belgium enters lockdown. Belgians are asked to stay at home to avoid spreading the coronavirus.

Non-essential stores are closed. Gatherings are forbidden. Remote work is strongly encouraged. After 2 weeks, the situation will be re-evaluated.


Hotbed Ski Resort in Austria

A bartender in the Austrian village of Ischgl is responsible for hundreds of infections of wintersports enthusiasts across Europe.

When the tourists return home after the spring holiday, there are practically no checks or enforcements.

Maggie de Block
Maggie de Block
Minister of Health and Social Affairs
(Open Vld)

Strategic Stock of Masks Destroyed

A stock of millions of surgical and FFP2 masks, first built up in response to the H1N1 Avian Flu, was destroyed by the Federal Health Service between 2015 and 2018.

According to Maggie de Block, the masks had expired and had become unusable.

Le Vif
Annelies Verlinden
Annelies Verlinden
Minister of Internal Affairs

Corona Measures deemed Illegal

A judge in Brussels has ruled that the measures for corona are not lawful. The court gives the Belgian state 30 days to resolve the situation and ensure a lawful basis.

Plaintiff was the League for Human Rights, which had decided to sue the Belgian state. According to the League, these measures were not established in a democratic way.

The state decides to appeal.

Maggie de Block
Maggie de Block
Minister of Health and Social Affairs
(Open Vld)

Pointless to Wear a Mask Outside

"It's pointless to wear a mask on the street, in the house or in the yard. It only makes sense to wear a special mask when around patients infected by the coronavirus, that is, for health workers."

Maggie de Block
Maggie de Block
Minister of Health and Social Affairs
(Open Vld)

Stock of Masks Destroyed for No Reason

The painful revelation: the strategic stock of millions of masks was destroyed for no reason, according to a caretaker.

“The warehouses were dry and locked down. The boxes were intact. The supply was in excellent condition. [...] They were even used as party props.” - Marc Caekebeke, Adjudant

The warehouses were emptied out to make room for asylum seekers.

Marc Van Ranst
Marc Van Ranst

Exit Strategy Leaked

The exit strategy for lockdown has leaked. It says that the corona measures will be relaxed in May.

Members of the advisory Group of Experts tasked with the Exit Strategy deny responsibility for the leak. Their task force consists of scientists and esteemed Belgian entrepreneurs. The leaked report was being reviewed by Belgian politicians.

"It's normal that the report makes the rounds. [...] But leaking to the press, that's another step. That's deliberate and not done with good intentions."

Le Soir
Sophie Wilmès
Sophie Wilmès
Prime Minister (Interim)

First Relaxations

Non-essential businesses may resume work, though without any direct customer contact. Fabric shops may open. Non-urgent consultations with a doctor or in the hospital are allowed.

Social measures are relaxed: physical activity in the open air is allowed for maximum 2 people not residing in the same house.

Masks are mandatory on public transit.

Sophie Wilmès
Sophie Wilmès
Prime Minister (Interim)

Shops Re-Open, Contact Tracing Started

All shops reopen, but under strict conditions to minimize customer traffic.

Contact tracers begin trying to find infected people and their contacts.

Radio 1
Sophie Wilmès
Sophie Wilmès
Prime Minister (Interim)

Schools and Businesses Reopen Partially

The schools will partially reopen: in primary and secondary schools, each for a maximum of three grades and in smaller groups, with a maximum of 10 students per class.

Childcare is provided for parents who go to work and do not have childcare. Classes in kindergartens will remain suspended, at least until the end of May.

Businesses in close proximity, such as hairdressers and massage therapists, may re-open. Group sports and markets are allowed again, in small numbers.

Radio 1
Sophie Wilmès
Sophie Wilmès
Prime Minister (Interim)

Exit Strategy Phase III

All businesses may resume. Bars and restaurants reopen, with the exception of clubs or casinos.

Customers must maintain 1.5m distance, and staff must wear a mask.

The social bubble is expanded, allowing contact with up to 10 people per week.

Sophie Wilmès
Sophie Wilmès
Prime Minister (Interim)

Exit Strategy Phase IV

Shopping in group is allowed again, without any time limit. The social bubble is expanded to 15 people per week.

Theme parks reopen. Cultural gatherings with an audience are allowed again, up to 200 people indoors and 400 people outdoors.

Wouter Beke
Wouter Beke
Minister for Welfare, Public health, Family and Poverty Reduction (Flanders)

Contact Tracing Falters

"There are no signs of a systemic problem."

From the field:

"Some days we make calls and some days we do nothing. Today I don't have any calls. I just have to be present." - Contact tracer

"You can listen to podcasts, watch Netflix, read a book or chat with co-workers. That's all fine." - Contact tracer

"I'm one of the few people who haven't even received a log-in from the government after 6 weeks. The people from the call center have escalated this every day. As a result I sat there for weeks without making a single call." - Contact tracer

Karine Moykens
Karine Moykens
President Committee Testing & Tracing

Mandatory Registration in Bars and Restaurants

All bars and restaurants must ask their customers to leave their name, phone number and/or e-mail address on a form.

Because of concerns about the privacy of personal information, the Federal Economic Service's example form explains that "data will be kept in a closed envelope during 14 days, after which it is permanently destroyed."

Inge Neven
Inge Neven
Health Inspection Brussels

Customer Registries not yet Consulted

The lists of customers and their contact information that has been collected for the last 3 weeks have not been consulted by contact tracers.

According to regional contact tracers, the right information is not being passed through the federal IT-platform.

Ria Vandenreyt
Ria Vandenreyt

Customer Registries not yet Consulted II

After 6 weeks, the customer registries have not been consulted once by the Flemish Agency for Health and Care.

"It turns out barely any or no infection clusters can be traced back to bars."

Sophie Wilmès
Sophie Wilmès
Prime Minister (Interim)

Government Misses Own Deadline

After missing their own deadline of mid-September, the 7 party presidents agree to extend the mandate of the Wilmès government for another 2 weeks.

Philippe De Backer
Philippe De Backer
Minister of Digital Policy, Telecommunication and Mail, Administrative Simplification, Fight against Social Fraud, Privacy and North Sea
(Open Vld)

Relaxations Raise Eyebrows

Social bubbles are eliminated. Close contact is allowed with up to 5 people. Receptions and weddings are allowed without limit. Mandatory quarantine is reduced to 7 days.

This despite worsening numbers across the entire country.

"I think this message ought to be clear. [...] At this time we're in a very difficult phase of the epidemic. We're seeing a rising curve of infections and hospitalizations. What needs to happen is: minimize contacts, keep your distance and wear a mask in busy places."

Alexander De Croo
Alexander De Croo
Prime Minister
(Open Vld)

Government De Croo Begins

After 494 days of failed negotiations since the election, Belgium finally has a valid government coalition again.

Maggie de Block remains a member of parliament.

In de Wetstraat 16 🎶
Jan De Maeseneer
Jan De Maeseneer
Professor General Medicine (Ghent University)

Source Tracing

“Half of the infections originated within the family or groups of friends, some also in the workplace or at school. Three concern travellers returning from abroad, and one is about a catering situation. So you get a clear picture of what to focus on. Families appear to be the most important source to look at.”

"In any case, we should learn from this that we should not stigmatise one particular group or sector."

Jan Jambon
Jan Jambon
Minister President (Flanders)

This is Fine

"I'm not going to start extinguishing my house today, because there might a fire next week."

An initiative by Steven Wittens.
Suggestions, corrections and dick pics welcome at: avondcockup@pm.me
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