Avond Cock-up

An ode to failed policy

1,000 Festival Attendees Infected in the Netherlands

At a "COVID-safe" festival in Utrecht, Netherlands, almost 1,000 visitors out of 20,000 have gotten infected.

Visitors had to prove via the Dutch CoronaCheck-app that they had tested negative, were vaccinated, or had recovered from an earlier corona-infection. IDs were checked at the entrance.

Ten Thousand+ Protest against Corona-pass in France

For the fourth weekend in a row, 10,000 to 20,000 people have protested in France against the corona-pass and the strict corona measures.

There are protests in Paris, but also in numerous other cities. Protestors say the stricter rules are a violation of their freedom.

Annelies Verlinden
Annelies Verlinden
Minister of Internal Affairs

Apply Carefully

"I don't think we should introduce measures when it's not necessary."

"We have the instrument [of lockdowns] now, but we have to apply it very carefully."

Rudi Vervoort
Rudi Vervoort
Minister-President Brussels

Brussel readies Proposal for Corona-pass

The government of Brussels has approved a first text for the corona-pass in the Capital Region of Brussels.

According to the proposal, starting in October, you will need to show proof of vaccination or a negative test in care homes, bars, restaurants, sports centers and gyms, as well as night clubs. Indoor events and parties with 50 people or more, and outdoors with 200 people or more, will require a corona-pass.

Alain Maron
Alain Maron
Minister of Environment, Climate, Social Integration, Health, Energy, Cleanliness and the Port (Brussels)

If and Only If

"We will introduce the corona-pass if and only if the epidemiological situation gets drastically worse, and if it helps avoid the closure of various sectors and activities. It's not certain yet."

Inge Neven
Inge Neven
Health Inspection Brussels

Policy is Hard

"It's too complicated to carve out distinctions."

Frank Vandenbroucke
Frank Vandenbroucke
Vice-Prime Minister

Pick One

"Making it mandatory is unrealistic so we have to persuade people."

"There is nothing wrong with denying someone certain freedoms if they don't wish to be vaccinated."

Barbara van den Haute
Barbara van den Haute
General Administrator Digital Flanders

COVID "Safe" Ticket

"It was not anticipated technically that someone could test positive after vaccination."

Being vaccinated is not sufficient to avoid spreading the virus.

The name chosen for the Belgian corona-pass, the "COVID Safe Ticket," turns out to be factually incorrect.

Elio Di Rupo
Elio Di Rupo
Minister-President Wallonia

Wallonia decides to Require Corona-pass

The Walloon government has decided that the corona-pass will be used in bars, restaurants, clubs, spectacles, sport centers and gyms, hospitals, nursing homes, care homes and festivals. It is planned to go into effect mid-October.

Even though 80% of the Walloon adult population is completely vaccinated.

The government had said before that they were not going to introduce the pass, because the degree of vaccination was high enough.


5,000 Protest against Corona Measures in Namur

In the city of Namur, thousands have protested against vaccine mandates and discrimination in the health sector.

Demonstrators brandished placards bearing messages such as: “Vaxx or not, let’s remain united”, “No to the pass”, “Respect the individual beliefs of everyone”, “My body, my choice, my life”, and “Our children are not Guinea-pigs.”

To Be Continued

Will the corona-pass be introduced? Where would it apply?

If the key is persuasion, why introduce a mandatory measure that limits people's freedom?

Was it ever lawful or democratic for the government to give itself these powers? What about those not registered in the system?

Why require vaccination with a medicine the pharmaceutical company is not liable for?

Why did we suddenly switch from counting vaccinated adults to counting vaccinated members of the entire population?

What's the point of a debate if counter-arguments are only heard so as to better bulldoze them away?

These are all very good questions.

An initiative by Steven Wittens.
Suggestions, corrections and dick pics welcome at: avondcockup@pm.me
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