Avond Cock-up

An ode to failed policy

Cathy Berx
Cathy Berx

Curfew Antwerp

"The curfew undemocratic? You only have one absolute constitutional right: the right to live."

Between 23:30 and 6:00, public social life will stop in the entire province of Antwerp. Everyone has to be home, except for essential travel. Cafés and restaurants will close at 23:00.

Cathy Berx
Cathy Berx

Big Sister

"We have to be able to bootstrap a new system quickly. For instance, how difficult can it be to take a picture with your smartphone at home every day and call in a few times?"

Olivier Schmitz
Olivier Schmitz

Curfew Brabant Wallon and Luxembourg

A curfew goes into effect from 1:00 to 6:00 in the provinces of Brabant Wallon and Luxembourg.

Alexander De Croo
Alexander De Croo
Prime Minister
(Open Vld)

"National" Curfew

A "national" curfew is implemented, prohibiting people from leaving their homes for non-essential reasons between midnight and 5:00, in Flanders.

In Wallonia and the Brussels Capital Region, the curfew is stricter, from 22:00 to 6:00.

Across the entire country, bars and restaurants have to close for four weeks. After two weeks, the measure will be evaluated. There is a ban on selling alcohol after 20:00.

People are only allowed to have one close contact, outside their own household.

Eddy Bevers
Eddy Bevers

Curfew Willebroek

In the town it is illegal for more than 2 people to gather, along with a curfew from 22:00 to 5:00. Certain businesses, particularly night shops, have to close at 18:00.

"They keep advancing step by step. One year ago this was completely unthinkable." – Kati Verstrepen, League for Human Rights

“What started as a measure against corona is now applied casually as a normal measure to maintain order.” – Stefan Sottiaux, professor of constitutional law

Elio Di Rupo
Elio Di Rupo
Minister-President Wallonia

Curfew Extended

“Mid-December, we are going to reassess the situation."

Jan Jambon
Jan Jambon
Minister President (Flanders)


"The coronacrisis has always been in the hands of the federal level. That's the distribution of authority."


Unity of Command

"I do not see any unity of command. One person does this, the other does that, but there is far too little cohesion, deliberation and vision. Not just in Brussels, by the way, across all of Belgium." - Marc Noppen, University Hospital Brussels

Rudi Vervoort
Rudi Vervoort
Minister-President Brussels

Curfew Extended II

The Brussels Capital Region and Wallonia extend their 22:00 to 6:00 curfew until 15 January.

Rudi Vervoort
Rudi Vervoort
Minister-President Brussels

Merry Christmas

The curfew in the region of Brussels remains even on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and on New Year's Eve. There are no exceptions.

[This editor heads out with an envelope containing €250 in cash for the fine, as well as a christmas card for the cops.]

Annelies Verlinden
Annelies Verlinden
Minister of Internal Affairs

Measures Quietly Extended

"We must be able to anticipate."

The measures against corona have been extended until March 1st. This is announced in a new Ministerial Decree.

"Many people will have been taken by surprise yesterday, some even strongly disappointed or angry. [...] It is inconceivable that they did not communicate this." - Maarten Vansteenkiste, motivational psychologist.

Radio 1
Rudi Vervoort
Rudi Vervoort
Minister-President Brussels

Curfew Extended III

Brussels extends its strict measures: the curfew from 22:00 to 6:00, the requirement to wear a mask in public, the closure of all shops at 20:00, and the ban on consuming alcohol in public.

Le Soir
François Desquesnes
François Desquesnes
Representative Wallonia

Curfew Extended IV

"It's not normal that such a decision, which strongly attacks liberty, is announced in a tweet."

"This extension should not be automatic. We demand a debate in parliament and a legislative framework, [...] after the holiday week."


Youth Movements Ask for Curfew to be Lifted

Youth is desperate for more perspective and a relaxation of certain measures, in a collective statement by the presidents of the flemish political party's youth wings:

"It is extremely unpleasant if, after work, you wish to visit a close contact, but have to set an alarm and leave midway through dessert because of the curfew. Even though you are not violating any 'real' rules."

Bart Preneel
Bart Preneel
Cryptographer and Advisor

Trust in Coronalert

From a survey of 1850 Flemings it appears only 35% has installed the Coronalert app.

Among those who did not install the app, the most commonly cited reasons are:

  • "I don't see sufficient benefit in using the app" (31%)
  • "I fear my privacy is not guaranteed when I use the app" (29%)
  • "Using the app would stress me out" (21%)

Among those who did install the app but never used it, 35% cites a concern about "how the government will handle the information obtained from the app.'

Mathias De Clerq
Mathias De Clerq
(Open Vld)

Ban on Music and Glass in Ghent

"I've had it with all those party presidents who want to make themselves popular."

There is a ban on glass on the Sint-Pieters Square, on the Gras- and Korenlei, and on the Left and Right Coupure. The ban on glass in Overpoort remains. Furthermore it is forbidden to play amplified music anywhere in public.

"As soon as I can, I will rescind the measures."

Elio Di Rupo
Elio Di Rupo
Minister-President Wallonia

Curfew "Harmonized"

The region of Wallonia decides to align to the "federal" hours of curfew, hence as in Flanders. Walloons may leave the house until midnight and from 5:00.

Rudi Vervoort
Rudi Vervoort
Minister-President Brussels

Curfew Extended V

“We are not adjusting any measures.”

The region of Brussels maintains its curfew from 22:00 to 6:00, extending it by another month. Shops must still close at 20:00. This decision was made without consulting any of the 19 mayors of the region.

“Mr Vervoort apparently decides by himself.” - Vincent De Wolf, Mayor

Alexia Bertrand
Alexia Bertrand
Representative Brussels

Parliamentary Debate about Curfew

After almost 5 months there is finally a debate about the curfew in the parliament of Brussels.

"I'm particularly shocked that we have to fight this hard to get the debate on the agenda. [...] I've been asking for days."

Georges-Louis Bouchez
Georges-Louis Bouchez
Party Leader

MR Jokesters

Opposition party MR announces that the curfew in Brussels "will be harmonized with the rest of the country".

This note is removed without comment the next day.

Rudi Vervoort
Rudi Vervoort
Minister-President Brussels

Curfew Ends Belgian Style

The curfew finally ends after nearly 7 months and is replaced with a ban on gathering with more than 3 people between midnight and 5:00.

In Brussels, on this last day, it is forbidden to leave the house between 22:00 and midnight.


Curfew Verviers

After floods in Wallonia, a mystery person announces via BE-Alert that there is a curfew from 21:00 to 6:00 in Verviers. The measure is intended to stop looting.

An initiative by Steven Wittens.
Suggestions, corrections and dick pics welcome at: avondcockup@pm.me
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